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Latest revision as of 19:02, 24 June 2021

Chalk Zone
Not to be confused with... actually yes it's that Chalk Zone.
Source: ChalkZone/Pokemon
Builder: Cooper
Level Range: 6-10
Linked: Yes

The Chalk Zone is a strange pocket dimension accessible from Shadmire inhabited by chalky monsters and people.


The Chalk Zone probably exists because of magic chalk, or maybe a magic chalkboard...? It's not really clear.


Everything native to the Chalk Zone appears as if it was drawn by chalk. The chalky majestic sights include sprawling fields, a colorful forest, a mysterious lake, mountains and clouds.


The way to the Chalk Zone is rumored to be in Shadmire, not far from Rogueport (which is barring the entry of all travelers).


The Chalk Zone is inhabited by a great variety of chalk creatures of varying degrees of friendliness. Many of them are truly unique and do not have exact counterparts outside of the dimension. It's best to put aside preconceptions about what sort of beings will be intelligent while here.

Law, Government, and Politics

There isn't any particular established government in the Chalk Zone. The closest it has to a leader is probably the famed hero who defends it from major threats.


On a perfectly normal chalkboard, written in perfectly normal chalk, is a list of tasks:

- Helped Rudy clean up?

- Rescued Chalk Zone's fallen hero?

- Saved Chalk Zone from demonic forces?

- Retrieved a pair of contact lenses?

- Discovered the secrets of the Chalk Zone?