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On the month of November, an activist turkey by the name of Bok Choy wanders into the Cleft of Dimensions. She needs your help, but will you help her?


Bok Choy wandered the streets, asking for donations to help set up a refuge for her fellow turkeys. She sold low level items.

-some turkey stuffing: food
-bowl of mashed potatoes: head armor
-Tofurkey: acidic weapon

Players donations raised enough money for her to begin establishing her turkey town.


The town of Istanbul has been established, but the turkeys of the world do not know how to get there. Turkeys were scattered across the world in various locations, and needed players to guide them to a warp pipe in either Truce or Viorar, which led to Istanbul. A butcher stood outside the gates of the town, and if you gave your turkey to him, you would gain 100 gold and -25 align. If you did not give the butcher your turkey, you would receive 50 gold and +25 align.

The outcome of how many turkeys were slaughtered compared to how many were saved will determine how events will play out next year. In vague terms: the pure amount of turkeys saved will determine how much the town expands, and the pure amount of turkeys butchered will determine how their society evolves.

Istanbul had one shop, run by Turkey Lurkey. The list of items consisted of:

-some turkey stuffing: food
-bowl of mashed potatoes: head armor
-Tofurkey: acidic weapon
-a glass of cranberry juice: drink container