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Revision as of 08:38, 29 October 2022 by Coeurl (talk | contribs)
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Hi! Please drop your prompt examples here, along with a brief explanation for each section. We'll chew through 'em, clean 'em up; and then re-post them on the main article. ---Sunny

HP:{R%h/{r%H {cMP:{B%m/{b%M {cMV:%v Pet: {Y%p/{y%P {R%f {R%O {c| {R%u %U{c %L Remorts, XP Needed:%X Room: %C

Well-labelled but pretty long - made for Project Tuna --- E-mouse

prompt {x%n LV%l RM%L HP:%2 (%y) MP:%3 MV:%4 Pet:{G%p/%P{x {B%j{x %u %U G:{Y%w{x XP:{m%X{x [%C] %e%W Time: %I %i

Used on Mudlet. Character and pet stats come first so they can be quickly glanced at in combat, includes room and weather details and time at the end.

--- Coeurl