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(Added changes 3-8 and 3-10 2018)
(Changelog catchup time! All the way up to 9/2/24!)
(83 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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This page will copy those notes as well.
This page will copy those notes as well.

= 2024 Change Notes =

== Changes 3-8/3-10-2018 ==
== Changes 9/2/24 ==
*Jumi and Matango now have independent, separate health regeneration rates that is not the 'Regen' affect (and thus no longer have the latter in constant effect).
*CON and WIS now add a slight regeneration bonus to HP and Mana, respectively. This is especially noticeable in conditions that are not ideal.
*Various upgrades made to Discord/CoD RP Sync
*'Psyke Up' and 'Psyke Down' spells added, effects are equivalent to their 'Attack Up' and 'Attack Down' counterparts except that it influences Magroll instead of Damroll.
*BUILDERS: Please be careful with using Psyke Down for now, as negative Magroll will prevent both players and mobs from dealing ANY spell damage!
*'Enchant Armor' no longer increases the target item's level by 1.
*Priests now receive slightly more mana when sacrificing gold coins.
== Changes 8/3/24 ==
*Choke and Powersurge now work with counterspell.
*Wisdom helps with failure to cast spells
* 'trash' items are now 'thing' items
*Magroll has been fleshed out for player usage and works as intended.
*  'ambience' config command added to toggle sun & weather update messages
*Wall change can be charged to better penetrate saves.
* 'quiet' characters no longer see others connecting/disconnecting
*Enchant spell has been added, which combines both enchant armor and enchant weapon
* CoD no longer crashes when a veedio is destroyed
*enchanting with the new enchant spell has slight chance to add -1 saves or +1 hitroll to armor or weapons, respectively.
* borg!disconnect added for Discord RP two-way sync
*higher wisdom increases those odds even more.
* reduced latency on Discord RP two-way sync
*psyke down has been adjusted to be more likely to bypass saves.
cleaned up author names on in/out-going sync'd RP messages
*armor golems are no longer affected by slow naturally.
*various read out changes, most importantly, lockers and containers.
For builders:
*mob award exp works in flat value. Use 'mob award $n exp 1234 noscale'
*mob preitle is a command. for safety reasons, its usage is 'mob mforce $n mob pretitle self lolmypretitle ' to remove pretitles, just use {x.
== Changes 7/1/24 ==
*mobs currently are locked out of magroll.
*Fix for Remorting crash
*Toggling 'pixelart' no longer toggles 'lessviolent' (& v/v) (Thanks Bea!)
*Toggling 'autoreplay' no longer toggles 'compactchat' (& v/v) (Thanks Bea!)
*Quezacotls Wrath is less likely to crash the game
For Mudlet:
*Pixel art graphics added to Mt. Nibelheim, Fort Walla Walla,  Wutai, Gigan Canyon, Milky Well, Kett's Rooms, Booster Tower, Donut Plains, Joel Island, and Midnight Gardens
For Builders:
* $A, $E, $M, $o, $O, $p, $P, $S, $t, and $T should no longer crash the game when used in ACT mobprogs.
== Changes 6/1/24 ==
* Brownout spell added
For Mudlet:
* Pixel art graphics added to Bequerel Mine, Smash Stadium, and Gringey City.

== Changes 5/1/24 ==

== Changes 3-2-2018 ==
*  'rpc' channel added for out-of-character roleplaying chat
*[[Cynbel_Sea|Cynbel Sea]] is now linked!
*  'rpc' channel has two-way sync with #cleft-rp-osay on Discord
*The following areas have been removed from the "areas" command list: Magmoor Caverns, River City, Zanarkand, Magitek Factory.
*  'story' note board added, which logs #cleft-roleplaying on Discord
*MiniMedals have been added to: Gold City, Gobi's Valley, Frosty Forest, Tonoe, Jungle of Illusion, Goreomemu Swamp.
* doubled the length limit for notes
*Level locks have been removed from: Orbonne Monastery, Guardia Castle, Dr Wily's Lab, Leires.
* unread notes are listed when reconnecting from linkdead, not just on logon
*Item re-balances: Mana Spirit Statues, Mirror Shield, Silver Gauntlets.
*Mob re-balances: Myrkur Necromancer, Great Rabite, Mushroomized Parasect, Angel Tower Spectre.
For Mudlet:
*Pandora's Clothes in Truce are re-categorized as 'jewelry' type.
* pixel art graphics added to Mongrelia, Honey I Shrunk the PCs, and Kakariko Village
*You have more time to complete Norstein Bekkler's light game in Truce.
For builders:
* new off flag ai_potiondrinker (thanks Bea!)
* 'mob asset $n pixels' will default to the mob's current pixelartvnum

== Changes 4/1/24 ==

== Changes 2-19-2018 ==
* 'config' has been reformatted and now includes pose, presence, and desc
*Stealing an item you can't carry no longer hecks up the item's location.
* 'graffiti' skill added for spraying messages on top of room descs
*gptoss' damage is now a natural logarithm instead of base10... look forward to dealing more damage with it!
* added hints describing 'pose' and 'presence'
*Fling shouldn't cast weapons into the void or other mobs' inventories.
* cleaned up the 'commands' list, especially by hiding config commands

== Changes 1-26-2018 ==
For Mudlet:
*[[Sunsnug_Isle|Sunsnug Isle]] is now accessible
* pixel art graphics added to Chalk Zone, Lete River, Monstro Town, Faron
*Mist Cave is accessible as an expansion to Magicant
Woods, Sulfataska Mountain Range, Crysta, Moogle Cave, and Rocket Town
*[[Hu_Lao_Pass|Hu Lao Gate]] is now accessible
* suppressFontResize, soundOn, and secondaryHeight settings persist better
*An alternate unlockable path is available to get to the northern areas of Guardia.
* squelched the excessive 'INFO' messages that spawn on connection
*Non-Saturn Valley ATMs no longer require ATM cards.
*The potion seed pots (Crysta & Viorar) have been removed
*Effects have been added to the remaining existing potion seeds that enemies drop
*The speech in Lu Bu Feng Xian's delivery call is toned down
*The reward for collecting all the Chaos Emeralds is improved
*Asina on Joel Island more directly gives out quest initiation hints
*Bugfix where Moon Saber was not being rewarded

== Changes 3/2/24 ==

== Changes 1-10-2018 ==
* Blight and Osmosis drop HP and MP regen, respectively, to 0 instead of 25%
*doubled the internal SPL_SPRD variable, which should reduce the variability of spell damage somewhat.
* opening a door or object will attempt to unlock it first, if appropriate
*those NPCs you thought were healers.... aren't anymore. see selan and company for uncursing and IDing stuff now.
* scrolls no longer get used up if they fail due to bad syntax
* which conveniently updates whenever anyone who's not a staff member types 'who'.
* staffs no longer use charges if they fail due to bad syntax
* 'report skills' -- for ordering your pet reveal its innate combat skills.
* the HP/MP regen bonus from Wisdom is now modified by effects and room
*the 'cactus stool' made by a level 0 Mokuton no longer WORSENS regeneration.
characteristics. Expect better regen while sleeping and worse while hungry
*Frost Saber now has a chance to apply a short-duration Slow.
* damage-over-time effects will now notify you when their damage awakens you
*Players and mobs warcry'ing at themselves have a better echo now.
* fixed a potential memory leak in Skeleton Crew
* steal no longer gives weird messages when stealing random items or coins
* typing 'sl' now maps to 'sleep' instead of 'slam'
* bloodsucking moogles now gives the correct behavior
* Doom Reverb does the intended bonus damage on echomagic (thanks Benamas)
* the %l prompt variable no longer provides inaccurate days (thanks Benamas)
* "undo" during weapon selection no longer removes spierce from thieves
* Carsanborg now handles multiline inputs from Discord
* fixed a bug where invoking 'consider' via 'look' used the wrong target
* fixed a bug where whirlwind sometimes just wouldn't work
* fixed a color bleed bug
For Mudlet:
* pixel art graphics added to Lasacul, Truce Canyon, Guardia Fields, Cave of
Waterfalls, Douglas Island, Zigolis Swamp, Luon Highway, Saturn Valley, and
the tutorial area
* Mudlet has numpad navigation (2=north, 4=west, etc.)
* Mudlet has chat scroll shortcuts (Shift-PgUp, Shift-PgDn, Shift-Ctrl-Enter)
* fixed a bug where Mudlet wasn't auto-updating correctly
* tertiary panel art will automatically clear during combat
For builders:
* gedit no longer crashes the game (thanks Benamas)
* pixelartvnum added to medit, allowing override of a mob's pixel art
* display pixel art via mobprog, e.g. 'mob asset $n pixels 1000'
* change a mob's pixel art via mobprog, e.g. 'mob face pixels 1000'

for builders:
== Change 2/11/24 ==
*mobs and objects no longer have a 'material'
*shopkeepers now *clone* objects when selling them, instead of making new ones.
**this means infinite 'inventory' objects can be modified or restrung  while still in the keeper's inventory, and the changes will now propagate to the bought copy.
*plus some other changes i probably forgot

* The vehicle summoned from the 'Phantom Motorcycle' skill is now considered an
'indoor' vehicle

== Changes 2/2/24 ==

== Changes 12-30-2017 ==
* pixel art graphics have been added to Viorar, Suburbia, and Rabite Forest
*Jutsu's lag time reduced from 20 to 12
(see previous change note for details)
*Fumes now applies Poison instead of Fear -- rev up those Leeches
* bug fixed where closed containers couldn't be picked up without 'get all'
*Ninjas get the Fear spell at level 45
*Merchants now get Firebreath instead of Heat Metal at level 50
*Gptoss is about half the cost to use but does the same damage
*Dual Wield now functions correctly/at all when you have 2x/3x-cut
*fixed that rogue . when paralyzed
*converting gold to silver in banks is now free (but who does this)
*'report offense' shows magroll now

== Changes 12-29-2017 ==
== Truce has some graphics (11 Jan 2024) ==
*Magroll is now percentage-based: 1 magroll is now equivalent to 1% more damage when casting a spell that deals damage.  Builders, keep this in mind going forward when/if adding Magroll to items!  Healing is also slated to be affected by this as well, but is not yet.

== Changes 12-27-2017 ==
First, use Mudlet.
* "MAGROLL" is a thing now. It applies a flat damage bonus to most spells and damaging affects. There will be some exceptions (base Summoner spells), and there will be some instances where magroll has an exaggerated effect (multi- hit spells like Rainbow). Some builds will be better, some won't be affected, but none should take a nerf from this. Regardless, we're in uncharted territory!
* Characters receive a bonus to Magroll similar to how Strength affects Damroll in practice, this is going to be about... 5 magroll for most casters
* Builders can put Magroll on mobs and items (replaced previously nonfunctional bonus to saves vs paralysis?) -- use this sparingly, as you did damroll!!!
* Bleeding damage now caps at level*3 per round so megabosses don't drain dry for thousands of damage per round
* Enchant Weapon's effect with Damroll has been readjusted up to 15%. More tweaking possible pending smoothing out Magroll.

== Changes 12-23-2017 ==
Second, install the latest Cleft of Dimensions package. It should automatically
* any potential mob with vnum 3708 will be able to attack now (weird stock bug)
update itself on login, but it's also available at
* many abilities no longer penetrate the Shell affect
* 'rod' and 'event' type items will display their current cooldown time when Scan'd/examine'd
* enchanted weapons were having their damage bonus DOUBLED -- this has been corrected from 20% extra damroll per enchant to 10%
** this seems like a nerf but check out the helpfile -- it was only SUPPOSED to be 5%
* giga drain's mp cost cut by 1/3
* vampires only regenerate 1hp/pulse while exposed to sunlight
* plus other changes I've forgotten!

Third, type "pixelart" to toggle the pixel art setting on and off.

== Changes 6-15-2017 ==
Fourth, look at NPCs in Truce!
*Pip will refresh his inventory every day even when players are away.
*Flameshe and the pumpkinhead butler will now not accept items (for now)
*Electrical barrier seems to be working correctly.
*Aisu's door is two-way.
*El Nido quest list fixed
*Vehicle loss in quest rooms: There isn't really a good solution that doesn't involve revamping how vehicles work.
*Kiki responds to Elazul when appropriate.
*The certain Gypsy Camp quest has the appropriate story prerequisites now.

Viorar's next.

== Changes 6-04-2017 ==
* added 'glance' command to show only room name, exits, and contents when 'brief' is on
* re-added 'exits' command -- beware of fake room names (re: mobprog trickery)
* re-added 'resistances' command -- shows a short version when 'brief' mode is on
* fixed a problem involving mobs with vampirism and the haunt affect which probably broke a bunch of other things too

for builders:
* new exit flag 'nomob'

for me:
= 2023 Change Notes =
* cleared various compile warnings
* prototype "who's online" webpage -- for now, only updates when a staff member types 'who2'

== Changes 13 Jun 23 ==
- shield slam no longer removes your shield, but halves your shield block chance for a round or so after using
- shield slam receives a damage bonus proportional to the amount of AC your shield grants
- retort can now be used without blocking first, but with quadruple lag time (16 beats vs 4)
- lionhearted and brinksmanship should deliberately ignore any extra CURRENT hp from courage
- indomitable should ignore extra MAX hp from courage
- if practiced above 60%, endure will now automatically trigger upon lethal damage, but with triple the already-high cooldown
- since it makes saves useless, zeal now gives a physical damage bonus proportional to half your saves bonus when active

== Changes 3-29-2016 ==
- ninjas' flee bonus was incorrectly being given to merchants instead
Various other changes have went in, but here are the highlights:

*oset is finished off with using flag names (vs their numerical value) in the value(0-4) slots, where needed. (the imm command 'set obj' has been updated to do the same)
*"pet" has been added to the necromancers, to retrieve the corpse of all pets at once(that actually leave a corpse). Eg. necro pet
*Added affected2 if check eg. If affected2 focus
*Added fast affect2 flag (works like the fast vehicle flag)
*Added 'quicken spell' (applies fast)

== Changes 1-20-2016 ==
== Changes 16 May 23 ==
New mob commands:
- cider decreased from 8 to 6 thirst quenched
  mset          - See 'help set' for details
- ale increased from 10 to 12 proof
  oset          - This isn't actually new but more has been added to it, see 'help set'
- sorry, Belfry now only allows one summoned flock at a time
  mforce        - Allows players to execute mob commands without the use of an event item. (ie mob mforce $n mob cast fireball)
- the Exit spell should no longer reveal room vnums
  mob face name - Mobs change their name tags
- legacy spell standardization:  Fire lag increased from 8 to 12, Fira/Thundara lag increased from 12 to 16, Thundaga lag increased from 12 to 24, Blizzaga lag reduced from 32 to 24
- fixed Skeleton Crew skeleton names
- day name in prompts should be correct now
- vampire priests receive their saber spells at the correct levels
- Encore will actually disallow stacking certain effects, instead of lying that it can't and doing it anyway

New Variables:
  $A            - Same as $o, without quotes around name tags
- 'builders' command fixed (ignore the compile warning)
  $b            - Mob's remember target's race
  $B            - Mob's remember target's level
  These have been added to 'help variable' (Thanks Odwofi!)

Various Changes:
Older changes have been archived
  Brief mode is (re?)enabled due to volume of requests lately
  Wildcasting has been changed to a toggle
  Wildcasting has been added to affects2
  Affects2 can be toggled with mob flag

Latest revision as of 07:22, 26 September 2024

The Cleft of Dimensions is constantly being updated, poked, prodded, and tweaked. To keep everyone informed of the various changes, the Immortals semi-regularly post Change Notes in-game. This page will copy those notes as well.

2024 Change Notes

Changes 9/2/24

  • Various upgrades made to Discord/CoD RP Sync


Changes 8/3/24

  • 'trash' items are now 'thing' items
  • 'ambience' config command added to toggle sun & weather update messages
  • 'quiet' characters no longer see others connecting/disconnecting
  • CoD no longer crashes when a veedio is destroyed
  • borg!disconnect added for Discord RP two-way sync
  • reduced latency on Discord RP two-way sync
  • cleaned up author names on in/out-going sync'd RP messages


Changes 7/1/24

  • Fix for Remorting crash
  • Toggling 'pixelart' no longer toggles 'lessviolent' (& v/v) (Thanks Bea!)
  • Toggling 'autoreplay' no longer toggles 'compactchat' (& v/v) (Thanks Bea!)
  • Quezacotls Wrath is less likely to crash the game

For Mudlet:

  • Pixel art graphics added to Mt. Nibelheim, Fort Walla Walla, Wutai, Gigan Canyon, Milky Well, Kett's Rooms, Booster Tower, Donut Plains, Joel Island, and Midnight Gardens

For Builders:

  • $A, $E, $M, $o, $O, $p, $P, $S, $t, and $T should no longer crash the game when used in ACT mobprogs.


Changes 6/1/24

  • Brownout spell added

For Mudlet:

  • Pixel art graphics added to Bequerel Mine, Smash Stadium, and Gringey City.


Changes 5/1/24

  • 'rpc' channel added for out-of-character roleplaying chat
  • 'rpc' channel has two-way sync with #cleft-rp-osay on Discord
  • 'story' note board added, which logs #cleft-roleplaying on Discord
  • doubled the length limit for notes
  • unread notes are listed when reconnecting from linkdead, not just on logon

For Mudlet:

  • pixel art graphics added to Mongrelia, Honey I Shrunk the PCs, and Kakariko Village

For builders:

  • new off flag ai_potiondrinker (thanks Bea!)
  • 'mob asset $n pixels' will default to the mob's current pixelartvnum


Changes 4/1/24

  • 'config' has been reformatted and now includes pose, presence, and desc
  • 'graffiti' skill added for spraying messages on top of room descs
  • added hints describing 'pose' and 'presence'
  • cleaned up the 'commands' list, especially by hiding config commands

For Mudlet:

  • pixel art graphics added to Chalk Zone, Lete River, Monstro Town, Faron

Woods, Sulfataska Mountain Range, Crysta, Moogle Cave, and Rocket Town

  • suppressFontResize, soundOn, and secondaryHeight settings persist better
  • squelched the excessive 'INFO' messages that spawn on connection


Changes 3/2/24

  • Blight and Osmosis drop HP and MP regen, respectively, to 0 instead of 25%
  • opening a door or object will attempt to unlock it first, if appropriate
  • scrolls no longer get used up if they fail due to bad syntax
  • staffs no longer use charges if they fail due to bad syntax
  • the HP/MP regen bonus from Wisdom is now modified by effects and room

characteristics. Expect better regen while sleeping and worse while hungry

  • damage-over-time effects will now notify you when their damage awakens you
  • fixed a potential memory leak in Skeleton Crew
  • steal no longer gives weird messages when stealing random items or coins
  • typing 'sl' now maps to 'sleep' instead of 'slam'
  • bloodsucking moogles now gives the correct behavior
  • Doom Reverb does the intended bonus damage on echomagic (thanks Benamas)
  • the %l prompt variable no longer provides inaccurate days (thanks Benamas)
  • "undo" during weapon selection no longer removes spierce from thieves
  • Carsanborg now handles multiline inputs from Discord
  • fixed a bug where invoking 'consider' via 'look' used the wrong target
  • fixed a bug where whirlwind sometimes just wouldn't work
  • fixed a color bleed bug

For Mudlet:

  • pixel art graphics added to Lasacul, Truce Canyon, Guardia Fields, Cave of

Waterfalls, Douglas Island, Zigolis Swamp, Luon Highway, Saturn Valley, and the tutorial area

  • Mudlet has numpad navigation (2=north, 4=west, etc.)
  • Mudlet has chat scroll shortcuts (Shift-PgUp, Shift-PgDn, Shift-Ctrl-Enter)
  • fixed a bug where Mudlet wasn't auto-updating correctly
  • tertiary panel art will automatically clear during combat

For builders:

  • gedit no longer crashes the game (thanks Benamas)
  • pixelartvnum added to medit, allowing override of a mob's pixel art
  • display pixel art via mobprog, e.g. 'mob asset $n pixels 1000'
  • change a mob's pixel art via mobprog, e.g. 'mob face pixels 1000'


Change 2/11/24

  • The vehicle summoned from the 'Phantom Motorcycle' skill is now considered an

'indoor' vehicle


Changes 2/2/24

  • pixel art graphics have been added to Viorar, Suburbia, and Rabite Forest

(see previous change note for details)

  • bug fixed where closed containers couldn't be picked up without 'get all'


Truce has some graphics (11 Jan 2024)

First, use Mudlet.

Second, install the latest Cleft of Dimensions package. It should automatically update itself on login, but it's also available at

Third, type "pixelart" to toggle the pixel art setting on and off.

Fourth, look at NPCs in Truce!

Viorar's next.


2023 Change Notes

Changes 13 Jun 23

- shield slam no longer removes your shield, but halves your shield block chance for a round or so after using - shield slam receives a damage bonus proportional to the amount of AC your shield grants - retort can now be used without blocking first, but with quadruple lag time (16 beats vs 4) - lionhearted and brinksmanship should deliberately ignore any extra CURRENT hp from courage - indomitable should ignore extra MAX hp from courage - if practiced above 60%, endure will now automatically trigger upon lethal damage, but with triple the already-high cooldown - since it makes saves useless, zeal now gives a physical damage bonus proportional to half your saves bonus when active

- ninjas' flee bonus was incorrectly being given to merchants instead


Changes 16 May 23

- cider decreased from 8 to 6 thirst quenched - ale increased from 10 to 12 proof - sorry, Belfry now only allows one summoned flock at a time - the Exit spell should no longer reveal room vnums - legacy spell standardization: Fire lag increased from 8 to 12, Fira/Thundara lag increased from 12 to 16, Thundaga lag increased from 12 to 24, Blizzaga lag reduced from 32 to 24 - fixed Skeleton Crew skeleton names - day name in prompts should be correct now - vampire priests receive their saber spells at the correct levels - Encore will actually disallow stacking certain effects, instead of lying that it can't and doing it anyway

FOR BUILDERS: - 'builders' command fixed (ignore the compile warning) -Bea

Older changes have been archived