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[*OOC*] Lilly 'That reminds me of a giant brown pickle, for some weird reason. :D'
Activity: Active
Form: female esper huntress
Element: Wood
Influence: Animals and Hunting

Protector and patron of animals, Lilly is a Lesser Immortal, and as such does not feel the desire to be as restricted to the higher realms as those of higher power and/or authorities do. She will often take different guises of humanoid form and assist the farming community in and around Guardia Fields and Crysta, preferring to directly guide them instead of doing so from an indirect position on high. She is careful not to slip her identity, however, going so far as to allow herself to become hurt and receive injury like any other mortal during the course of work. She values compassion, patience and a strong heart and will, and tends to grant her blessings upon those within these favored aspects.

Lilly has a complex genetic and personality makeup due to the events that brought her into the cleft. Effective during the time of Van Helsing's raid on Dracula's abode, a young farmgirl was merged with the entity of a succubus from the count's establishment, and their souls vied for dominance, time after time; lately, however, they are able to reach compromise, having grown "used to" one another over the years since that night. Her demeanor is typically that of her farmgirl presence, but she has been known to let the occasional innuendo slip from time to time.

Lilly is currently the caretaker and keeper of the Flammie, and wears the associated drum on her hip at all times.

Avatars: Farm Animals, Female Farmfolk, Vampires

Followers: Various small farming communities

Monuments: Various small shrines created by people in the wild (NOTE: While they don't realize this, she actually frowns upon any physical tributes, preferring people to use their resources to aid themselves and each other instead of worrying about what their patron deities think of them)


Level 101

HP:3000 MP:6666 MV: 1500


Summon Anything: (Except gods)

Auto Skills:

Sensory Perception: Has the eyes of a hawk, the nose of a hound, the etc etc.

Communication Skills: Knows every language ever spoken or unspoken by all living things.