Mana Tribe

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Revision as of 04:31, 11 May 2024 by Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Mana Tribe is a group of people living in the Mana Holyland and serve under the Goddess of Mana as direct guardians and protectors of the Mana Tree. They dwell in a small village near the base of the Tree and are a reclusive organization that keep to themselves and tend to their own outside of threats made against the Holyland or the Tree; they have the ability to come and go between the Holyland and the Middle Realm at will, but rarely do so...")
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The Mana Tribe is a group of people living in the Mana Holyland and serve under the Goddess of Mana as direct guardians and protectors of the Mana Tree. They dwell in a small village near the base of the Tree and are a reclusive organization that keep to themselves and tend to their own outside of threats made against the Holyland or the Tree; they have the ability to come and go between the Holyland and the Middle Realm at will, but rarely do so outside of necessary circumstances. Everything is provided for them within the confines of the Holyland itself, either from the land or the Goddess, such that they have no need to go outside their village for any economical reasons.

Those from the Mana Tribe do not differ greatly from any mortal races from the Middle Realm, and are seen as typically-human with occasional other racial aspects. They have the same physical standards, the same capacity for mortality, and so on. Their attunement to Mana itself is where their differences shine brightest, which grants them a number of benefits outside of those that dwell in the realms below them.
