Persephone Simmons

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Persephone Renee Simmons
A lot of people think I'm just a stuck-up rich bitch, and they're not too far from the truth
Age: 19
Race: Half-Saiyan
Status: Alive
Affiliation: None


Born to a saiyan mother and a human father, Persephone is a halfblood that spent the first half of her childhood with the social stigma that came with a very unique genetic defect: rather than brown or black, her tail was a brilliant white, a trait that is said to bring severe misfortune upon her and anyone else that dares to get too close. Having to deal with the backlash that this bore for her, Persephone toughened up and lashed out in return, earning a reputation as a bully and a delinquent during much of her school tenure. As her mentor, trainer and overall best friend, Persephone's mother tried to get her to be more open-minded about her unique 'gift,' but the way she was treated by everyone else around her gave no rise or momentum to these attempts.