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Age: Adult
Race: Spider Monster
Status: Alive
Affiliation: Unknown


Most of the bulk of Kaira's body resembles a monstrous spider, one that bears the torso, arms and head of a humanoid woman where an arachnid's mouthparts would normally be found. Her spiny arachnoid abdomen makes up the bulk of her mass, and is amber yellow nearest to where it connects to her modified cephalothorax, but shifts to a pale yellowy white further back. Mottled black markings cover much of it, until the bases of ten distinct spines extending upward and out are reached. These spines are orange-red in color and tipped with a brown so dark it looks almost black. The foremost, spidery parts of her body are umber brown, with six massive legs attached below the human torso. Her perceived height depends greatly on how her legs are positioned, but the spider portion alone typically reaches a bit over five feet tall, meaning that her head tends to tower over the average person.

Kaira's willowy upper half has the lightly tanned complexion of someone with fairer skin who spends a decent amount of time under the sun. For modesty's sake, she wears a fastened vest over her upper body that has patches of inconsistent coloration, suggesting that it may have been mended by hand more than once. Her face is all but never seen without a wooden mask that has holes carved out for her eyes and bears no other decorative or functional details. A couple of bristly inhuman appendages extend from either side of her head -- resembling a spider's pedipalps most closely. Her black hair falls as far as her lower back and is normally styled in twin braids to keep it out of the way, though her activities and lifestyle keep it from ever looking entirely neat.

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