The Heretic

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The Kingdom of Hyrule

February 20 of the year 323

Dryad's Day

    "... It has been said that knowledge is power...
    ... we seek answers to ever more complex questions...
    ... But, some questions, perhaps, should not be answered...
    ... lest we risk unraveling life itself..."

As the chimes of midnight echo throughout the library, a lone figure pores over tome after tome. With quiet utterances he scribes his research on a roll of parchment:{x

Our kind have spent countless ages in the pursuit of knowledge, drawing our strength from our three sources of power; the Triforce.

Yet Wisdom, Power and Courage, prime though they are, are but sources of individual strength... powers that do not shape reality as a whole.

It is to these higher powers that I have devoted my research, in an effort to divine the very nature of existence itself. But whereas 'Wisdom, Power and Courage' were innately pure symbols of strength... There is no such assurance that existence is governed by anything so benign.

I must see how these forces merge in our lives... And knowing that, determine what they might do...

Chaos... Fate... and Soul.

Either fortunately or unfortunately, his peers were not very receptive to the ideas he posed. They exhorted him to recant his arguments and retire from the study. Yet the grip of heartfelt truth is like none other, and the man found himself utterly unable to abandon his beliefs. It gripped him, twisted him, to where all logic and reason flowed from his hypothesis - a theory which to him became as Fact.

Thusly was Charanth branded a Heretic, and by decree all aisles of learning related to the sacred Triforce closed to him. For the greatest fear among the scholars was that he might somehow have uncovered some new Truth, one that might supplant their own... and moreover, one that could threaten all that they had labored to build.

The Fools! They couldn't see, WHY couldn't they see? Can they honestly believe that Ultimate Power could be limited to such a small scope?

Yes, they can and they do... they've ample precedent to point to, to debunk my claims.

So I'll have to show them... yes... I must to pour my Soul into the Chaos, and see what potential Fate will produce from the maelstrom... I will prove myself through the very truths that they deny!

Several years have passed since his expulsion, and the Hylian Charanth hardly appears as he did before. Travel and seeming coincidence have bolstered his faith, to the point where he is adorned with visible marks of the power he claims to exist. Unbeknownst to the scholars, their hasty actions have proven to be the worst they could have taken; they have forced him to take an active role in proving himself. And so he wanders...

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