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While it is clear that Hikari is hiding some sort of secret related to her past (and has openly admitted as such), she makes no further admission about it, instead proclaiming that as long as she arrived in a better place eventually, that was plenty good enough for her and everyone else. Hikari is a bright and happy soul in how she is perceived by everyone around her, and seems to view with an edge of flippancy. She seems to have an odd relationship with pokémon specifically, seemingly averse to psychic types in particular, but otherwise enjoy their company; she had mentioned having aspired to be a trainer at one point, but did not elaborate on why it didn't pan out. She also seems to have a distinct fondness for dragons and dragon-related kin in general, and boasts a fairly-large collection of artwork and other materialistic gains on the subject.
While it is clear that Hikari is hiding some sort of secret related to her past (and has openly admitted as such), she makes no further admission about it, instead proclaiming that as long as she arrived in a better place eventually, that was plenty good enough for her and everyone else. Hikari is a bright and happy soul in how she is perceived by everyone around her, and seems to view everything around her with an edge of flippancy. She seems to have an odd relationship with pokémon specifically, seemingly averse to psychic types in particular, but otherwise enjoy their company; she had mentioned having aspired to be a trainer at one point, but did not elaborate on why it didn't pan out. She also seems to have a distinct fondness for dragons and dragon-related kin in general, and boasts a fairly-large collection of artwork and other materialistic gains on the subject.

Latest revision as of 00:29, 11 May 2024

Hikari Fukawa
Everyone has their trials; if we can overcome them, it makes us better people for it
Age: 21
Race: Human(?)
Status: Alive
Affiliation: Fukawa Industries


Hikari's birth and any details relating to her early childhood are shrouded in mystery, with only some details given that her upbringing was not pleasant outside of her immediate family. She and her family apparently moved to different locations regularly during her childhood, eventually settling into a large house on the southern edge of Faron Woods. While not divulged in any specific way, Hikari has stated that she was a much different person as a child than she currently portrays herself as, citing numerous trials she undertook on emotional levels to overcome them and get to where she now is. She remained close to her family and had minimal outside contact beyond her school years, then became fatally ill at some point during that time. Making an astounding recovery, she gradually came out of her shell and became the mascot for the Festival of Lights, thrusting herself into the spotlight and finding a new and brilliant life among the throngs of people that gathered there each year.


Hikari's arrival into the world of the Festival of Lights brought no small attention, as everyone had become aware of the situation involving her illness, recovery, and how the festival itself related to both. Having nothing in the way of friends up to that point, Hikari was thrilled at the attention being heaped upon her, and went out of her way to return that kindness and goodwill at every opportunity. At the end of each festival's week, Hikari returned home with her family and proceeded to become invested in her father's business, taking up a strategic role alongside her mother to help test products and provide feedback on certain aspects of the company that her father may have neglected to notice. She developed an interest in technology as a result, stemming from this, and began showcasing Fukawa Industries' products in the few she kept to herself for regular use.

The arrival of Persephone Simmons to the Festival of Lights was a game-changer for Hikari, having never met anyone with such a staunch lack of interest in anyone but herself. She would spend the next three years, one week apiece, attempting to pry open Persephone's shell and try to figure out why she felt the need to hide herself away from everyone, having some small successes here and there, and eventually coming to realize that certain aspects of Persephone's childhood may not have been so different than her own. She grew to be rather fond of Persephone during this time, but whether it was because she saw a kindred spirit for the trials her new friend had to face, or something else entirely isn't yet obvious.

While it is clear that Hikari is hiding some sort of secret related to her past (and has openly admitted as such), she makes no further admission about it, instead proclaiming that as long as she arrived in a better place eventually, that was plenty good enough for her and everyone else. Hikari is a bright and happy soul in how she is perceived by everyone around her, and seems to view everything around her with an edge of flippancy. She seems to have an odd relationship with pokémon specifically, seemingly averse to psychic types in particular, but otherwise enjoy their company; she had mentioned having aspired to be a trainer at one point, but did not elaborate on why it didn't pan out. She also seems to have a distinct fondness for dragons and dragon-related kin in general, and boasts a fairly-large collection of artwork and other materialistic gains on the subject.

Abilities, Powers & Traits

Hikari doesn't show off her powers often, but she has some control over light-based magic through training with her mother, and has displayed on at least one occasion that she is capable of stronger healing magic; this latter use came with the introduction of a Dryad mana spirit that she seemed to know on more than just a passing level, implying that she either has roots in the Mana Tribe, or is simply mana-touched and has the gift of being able to interact directly with a bonded spirit, not unlike Mollianne. Beyond this, Hikari is very insightful and observant, and seems to have a knack for picking up on technological devices and concepts fairly quickly, boasting her own assortment of them that she uses for daily activities.