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Master of affects and emotions
Style: Type A Overloader
Primary Stat: Dexterity
HP Gain per Level: 7-10
MP Gain per Level: 2-4
Weapon Skills: 2


The dancers of the Cleft have evolved skills which distract and subvert their opponents. By controlling not only harmful status affects but also the emotions of their foes and allies, the dancer is a cruel mistress. To manipulate their foes successfully, dancers must choreograph their steps in a particular order and be ever-mindful of the beat of battle.

At level 30, a Dancer may evolve into either a Gambler or a Diva/Impresario. Dancers may choose two weapon types in which to be proficient.


  • Dance - Level: 1 - Lag: 16
Dance is the signature skill of Dancers, and it can be used in various ways. In combat, dancing deals damage, with the type of damage based on the dancer's weapon. Out of combat, dancing slightly heals everyone in the room. Dancing, being physically exhausting, costs movement points.
The power and cost of dancing vary greatly, but they are not random. Instead, they are based on how the user dances and who they are dancing with.
  • Dodge - Level: 2 - Lag: ---
Dodge is a passive skill that allows a character to deftly avoid attacks. Unlike similar defensive skills, dodge is not at all affected by what sort of equipment the user wears. Dodge has a skill/4% chance to work, halved when you can't see the attacker.
  • Beguile - Level: 5 - Lag: 12
When using this skill, the dancer becomes more friendly toward the target. They suffer a Saves penalty. If a Dance power is used on them while they are beguiled, the savespenalty will turn into a damroll penalty. The damroll penalty from multiple Beguiles stacks. Beguile will not trigger itself. This skill is not considered aggressive. Save attempts against being Beguiled will ignore both the caster's and victim's level.
Beguile is considered Melancholic.
  • Provoke - Level: 10 - Lag: 12
Provoking your target enrages them, upping their Damroll. However, their furor will lower their armor rating. This skill also inflicts the Faerie Fire affect, which negates(but does not remove) Invisibility. You can provoke your own allies as well.
Provoke costs 10 Move to use.
Provoke is considered Energizing.
  • Volta - Level: 20 - Lag: ---
The Volta is a style of dance which can be seamlessly blended into others. This basically involves adding extra leaps, hops and jumps into the original dance. While you dance the volta, you will cease to attack automatically every round, and your chance to dodge will double.


  • Polka Polka - Level: 3 - Lag: 8 - Mana: 16
By performing a really... well, confusing dance, a Dancer can cloud the enemy's thoughts. This spell inflicts confusion on the victim. It also automatically triggers one free hit as soon as it is applied.
Polka Polka is considered Energizing.
  • Dazzle - Level: 15 - Lag: 8 - Mana: 16
A dancer can perform something so fantastically dazzling that anyone who sees it will be completely at a loss for words. Being dazzled will cause blindness (with a light-element type for resistance purposes). If the target has an affect that was applied by a dancing-type affect, it also causes them to be dazed and knocked down for two rounds.
Dazzle is considered Impressive.
  • Heartache Rumba - Level: 20 - Lag: 8 - Mana: 16
By tempting someone and then breaking their heart, the dancer can strategically damage their enemy... until they move on. Someone who is lovesick will take the caster's level in damage over several rounds, with the damage steadily lowering. When your broken heart heals, most of the HP is healed back.
This spell has a higher chance of working against targets who are of the opposite sex. It has a lower chance of working against the same sex.
Heartache Rumba is considered Melancholic.
  • Analyze - Level: 20 - Lag: 4 - Mana: 12
The Analyze spell reveals the immunities, resistances, and vulnerabilities of the target. If cast without a target, it reveals your own weaknesses. The knowledge of an enemy's weakpoints and strengths can be a critical boost in planning a course of action for fighting your foe! This spell also reveals affects, but with less information than Read Magic.
  • Change Sex - Level: 23 - Lag: 12 - Mana: 15
This spell randomly changes the victim's sex and is not considered aggressive. Casting it again on the same target can reverse the spell.
  • Finale - Level: 25 - Lag: 8 - Mana: 16
The dancer draws a privacy curtain down, giving a private show to their victim. Based on the number of Dance affects they are suffering, Finale consumes them and deals damage. Because of the pure darkness inside the Dancer's private show, even just the sounds of this attack can be terrifying. It does sound-type damage.
Finale is considered impressive.


The Gambler is one of two classes a Dancer can evolve into at level 30.

The Gambler is a wild, uncontrollable dancer who uses her wiles and manipulative nature to keep everyone in the dark. Gamblers are able to judge the acceptable level of risk associated with their abilities, and spin fortune's wheel to see what happens. The higher the risk they are willing to take, the more powerful their random and fateful abilities are.


  • Risk - Level: 30 - Lag: ---
Do you feel lucky, punk? Well set your Risk level to Most! Gamblers control the randomization of their abilities by modifying the acceptable level of Risk associated with them. Risk without an argument sets your risk to Neutral (in between More and Less).
Higher risk polarizes your dice rolls. With Risk Most, you are most likely to get Very High Damage or Very Low Damage rolls. With Risk Least, you will be most likely to roll dead average.
Syntax: risk [Most/More//Neutral/Less/Least]


  • Wonder - Level: 35 - Lag: 16 - Mana: 24
Wonder does random things. It can be used on allies or enemies. Effects are:
1) Cast 'Magic Missile' at level*6
2) Cast 'Calm'
3) Cast 'Rejuvenation'
4) Cast 'Darkness' - If the room is successfully darkened, deals area Dark damage.
5) Cast 'Flash' - If the room is successfully brightened, deals area Light damage.
6) Target is now vulnerable to Mental.
7) Victim's Max HP is lowered to the same as their Current HP.
8) Target is Hasted. If target was already hasted, all mobs in the room attack the caster.
9) Target is now Invincible (Imm: Weapon Magic, 2 pulses)
Wonder is considered Impressive.
  • Masochism Tango - Level:35 - Lag: 8 - Mana: 32
By entering into a temporary love-hate relationship, the victim of this spell can be made to attack themselves. They will suffer damage over time, of the damtype that they themselves normally use. This is not synonymous with the Confusion affect.
This spell has a higher chance of working against targets who are of the opposite sex. It has a lower chance of working against the same sex.
Masochism Tango is considered Melancholic.
  • Roulette - Level:45 - Lag: 12 - Mana: 24
Wooooo, spin that wheel! This spell deals heavy Slash-type damage to a random target in the room. That includes the caster. It has a small delay. Casting Roulette a second time before it has dealt damage does nothing.
  • Read Magic - Level: 40 - Lag: 8 - Mana: 24
The Read Magic spell allows the dancer to observe the current affects on a target, whether they are innate, granted by equipment, or the result of a spell.
[Current affects readout]
[Affect flags]
[Shield flags]
Because the spell displays these things, sometimes information will seem superfluous (Hastes modifies dexterity by 4 for 26 pulses, 106; then the next line will say Affected by Haste, as it's a flag.)
  • Esuna - Level: 50 - Lag: 8 - Mana: 100
Casting Esuna will purge negative spell effects from the target. It checks caster level against the affect level, and will not remove buffs as it did in the past. Esuna can only be cast on group members.
  • Dispel - Level: 50 - Lag: 12 - Mana: 100
Casting Dispel on a target will remove all positive spell effects, such as Barrier and Haste. However, this is treated as an aggressive action and will trigger combat.
  • Seance - Level: 50 - Lag: 12 - Mana: 32
By communing with the spirits, a Gambler may channel them into a powerful spell. However, some spirits are tricky, and may lie to appear friendly... This spell has a 33% chance of Healing, and a 66% chance of dealing Damage, both over time. It deals random damage, and is as good as Poison on average (better when your Risk is higher).
  • Metronome - Level: 60 - Lag: 24 - Mana: 48
Metronome attempts to cast a completely random offensive spell. It will try up to 3 times, if the first attempts are failures (for example, trying to cast Bramble without any overgrowth or Dazzle without any pre-existing dance affects).
  • Wandering Eye - Level: 40 - Lag: 16 - Mana: 32
By being terribly distracting, enemies will have trouble focusing. Any spells cast on someone who is making eyes wander away from them will also make spells wander away. Any spell targeting them rebounds to a random target.


The Diva is one of two classes a Dancer can evolve into at level 30.

The Diva is a fierce and commanding presence. She demands attention and praise for her beautiful art form. The Diva can impress, woo, or sadden her audience at her whim. Grateful audiences may throw the Diva flowers, wine, and lavish her with other gifts. The Diva is also firmly in command of what happens on the battlefield, dictating who is affected by what and when. A female dancer choosing this path becomes a Diva. A male dancer choosing this path becomes an Impresario.


  • Upstage - Level: 35 - Lag: 12
By using upstage, a Diva will completely steal her victim's most recently applied effect. Upstage will steal both beneficial and harmful effects, and it can be used on both enemies and allies.
This skill costs 10 moevment to use.
Upstage is considered Impressive.


  • Rally Audience - Level: 30 - Lag: 16 - Mana: 16
A Diva's strength is that she knows exactly how to play to her audience. She is a force to be reckoned with because of how she ruthlessly manipulates others. This spell summons a "Size 1" crowd. As you entertain your audience more, it will grow in size, up to "Size 3."
Energizing ..... Impressive .... Melancholic. These are the three moods a Diva's spells can evoke. You keep the audience's attention by changing their mood in order. Energizing->Impressive->Melancholic->Energizing. Each time your audience is energized, they react favorably. You do not need to open with an Energizing ability, but you do need to progress in this order.
Impressive: Dazzle, Finale, Theatrics, Upstage, Wonder, Metronome.
Energizing: Polka Polka, Provoke, Encore, Boogie Fever, Wandering Eye, Roulette.
Melancholic: Beguile, Heartache Rumba, Sabotage, Seance, Masochism Tango.
  • Theatrics - Level: 40 - Lag: 24 - Mana: 16
With this ability, the Diva attempts to be SO over the top that viewers become absolutely captivated. Anyone who is captivated by your theatrics will take damage whenever they lose an affect.
Theatrics is considered Impressive.
  • Encore - Level: 40 - Lag: 12 - Mana: 24
By persuading an affect to perform an encore, or by performing one herself, the Diva modifies the most recent affect applied to the target. The Level of the affect will double, as well as the modifier ("modifies X by Y", where Y is what gets doubled).
Encore is considered Energizing.
  • Read Magic - Level: 40 - Lag: 8 - Mana: 24
The Read Magic spell allows the dancer to observe the current affects on a target, whether they are innate, granted by equipment, or the result of a spell.
[Current affects readout]
[Affect flags]
[Shield flags]
Because the spell displays these things, sometimes information will seem superfluous (Hastes modifies dexterity by 4 for 26 pulses, 106; then the next line will say Affected by Haste, as it's a flag.)
  • Extension - Level: 45 - Lag: 8 - Mana: 80
The Extension spell is a powerful item in the dancer's arsenal. Casting extension on a target will lengthen the duration of all effects on the target, good and bad, by 50%. However, the Extension spell cannot be cast again on the target until the sum amount of extended effects time granted to the target has expired.
  • Boogie Fever - Level: 45 - Lag: 16 - Mana: 48
By spontaneously bursting into dance, a Diva can inspire others to get close and personal. The victim begins to dance and spreads their affects. If you use this on an ally, it copies to all allies. If you use this on a mob, it copies to all mobs.
Boogie Fever is considered Energizing.
  • Esuna - Level: 50 - Lag: 8 - Mana: 100
Casting Esuna will purge negative spell effects from the target. It checks caster level against the affect level, and will not remove buffs as it did in the past. Esuna can only be cast on group members.
  • Dispel - Level: 50 - Lag: 12 - Mana: 100
Casting Dispel on a target will remove all positive spell effects, such as Barrier and Haste. However, this is treated as an aggressive action and will trigger combat.
  • Sabotage - Level: 60 - Lag: 24 - Mana: 16
Setting the stage for failure, a Diva can ensure that the competition just can't get ahead. Every time they try to use a skill or spell, they will take damage from the sheer humiliation.
Sabotage is considered Melancholic.