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Mollianne R'keth Nol
A siren's song is most clearly heard not from her voice, but through her heart
Age: 22
Race: Siren
Status: Alive
Affiliation: Wishborn


Mollianne is a siren that is non-native to Fa'diel, instead hailing from a world known as 'The Realm' and originating on a lonely island far out to sea, aptly named 'Siren Rock.' Born as a member of the shamanic R'keth Nol ("of the Winds") clan, she spent the first eight years of her life under normal means within the colony living on Siren Rock, but when it came time to be shown how to fly ashore and learn to feed, she and her mother were discovered and ambushed. Before they could flee, Mollianne's mother was slain, and the younger girl was rescued by a small group led by a man named Jak, who happened to hear her scream. Stranded in this new world away from her home, Mollianne was bounced from foster family to foster family, with occasional bouts in orphanages and homelessness, before finding a permanent residence with a greater elemental named Vireyda, as well as her husband and two daughters. As Mollianne grew into this new family and found some stability in her life, she met with an older boy named Kaine, whom she became smitten with after witnessing his nonchalant and discordant way of life. Unwittingly imprinting on and binding herself to him, Kaine's sadistic and malevolent ways eventually brought upon her a mortal injury that would have taken her life, if not for the sacrifice of her shamanic familiar and a large fraction of her internal shamanic power. Mollianne heavily secluded herself from the world at large following this event, continuing to learn apothecary and healing techniques from her mother over the next three years before a rogue dimensional gate would bring her into the Cleft of Dimensions.


Mollianne's arrival in the Cleft was met with intrigue by the other siren of Fa'diel, as she was similar in appearance but altogether different further beyond them. She was taken in by a man named Kyrk who lived in Monstro Town, and who turned out to be a Wishborn. In staying with Kyrk and witnessing his plight, she sought to offer him aid by also taking up a contract with Kyuubey, but this attempt fell much shorter than she realized. During this time she met and became close friends with the Coldwater Twins from Viorar, whimsical Wishborn sisters who shared a pact that bound them together. She eventually came into the company of a small group of other Wishborn from Truce, bringing she and Kyrk together with them to heighten their ability to collectively subdue Witches and Yoma. Through these other Wishborn, she met Ambience and began to harbor feelings for him.

In a botched attempt to subdue a particularly-dangerous Witch in Wutai, Kyrk was killed, and Mollianne gradually faded away from the overt Wishborn scene, instead retreating to Viorar and undertaking patrol-like duties around the city and surrounding areas to ensure individual Witch and Yoma threats were dealt with. Her relationship with Ambience ebbed and flowed, but came to a grinding halt when he was tasked with bringing down the Fortress of Mana, which had been commandeered by the Sinistrals and threatened to wreak havoc upon the Cleft. When he did not return in the wake of the Fortress' destruction, Mollianne fell further into despair and developed a personal-dissociation complex. At some point, she and the Coldwater Twins were engaged with another particularly-dangerous Witch and became separated from them, unable to assist before the Twins themselves were killed. Having lost Kyrk and the Twins in this way, as well as Ambience's disappearance, Mollianne altered the nature of her Wishborn transformation from that point forward, eschewing most every other thought process except bloodlust and aggression in order to ensure that she would always have the upper hand in any future encounters without the risk of anything else holding her back. This combined with the antimagic nature involved with her granted wish made her a dangerous ally to other Wishborn (and even other non-Wishborn, should they happen upon her at this time), as she is likely to cause more harm than benefit when acting in any other setting other than solo engagements.

Some time after the Twins' demise, Mollianne was scouted by a siren entrepreneur named Thyrenne, who was looking for talent that would bring about a nightclub setting within Viorar. Taking to it, she became a massive celebrity in a few years' time, and rediscovered a sense of belonging among the nightclub staff and her fellow performers. This eased her inherent self-deprecation, allowing her to further alter the nature of her Wishborn transformation to determine just how much or how little aggression was needed during a specific engagement, and by doing this, she became able to invoke her transformation during her on-stage performances, using her abilities to enhance her routines and further delight the patrons of the nightclub and wherever-else there happened to be a spotlight.

Five years after the destruction of the Mana Fortress, while performing during Hikari no Matsuri, Mollianne was reunited with Sunflash and Ambience, further minimizing her personal and social issues. However, a strange situation befell her in the wake of the festival, its nature threefold: She met and became rather fond of a rogue named Avarice, themself a lover of music and live performances; she reunited with Kaine from nearly ten years prior, re-establishing her bond with him and unintentionally reverting her mental and personal stability to a weakened and subservient state as a result; and she had a falling out with Ambience, recognizing that her feelings for him were not returned in the way she had hoped, with the effect of driving him away in the process. The nature of these three episodes in a back-to-back-to-back fashion has left her frequently questioning her own mental health and emotional stability, as her body, mind, and heart all seem at odds with one another in attempting to determine where her true path lies. She attempts to keep all of this under the surface and hides behind the smile that everyone else sees, though Avarice seems to be having some obvious (if very gradual) sway in helping bring that mask down and attempting to establish a 'true' version of herself. In a moment of extreme emotional distress and weakness, and their subsequently-offered comfort, she unintentionally attempted to imprint upon Avarice despite having a pre-established bond with Kaine, the act of which rendered her an Oathbreaker.

Mollianne takes life one day at a time and never assumes she is entitled to the next day, and thus is averse to making long-term plans in almost all cases. On the outside, she is a popular idol and rising starlet with an ego to match, but on the inside, she harbors reservations about how accepted she truly is among the faces that watch her. Her personal goals are minimal at best, with the only major desire she has being a veiled secret that she is unable to directly elaborate upon.

Abilities, Powers & Traits

Without her Wishborn transformation in place, Mollianne is physically on the weaker end of the scale of things, relying mostly on her charm, empathy, and social status to keep her safe. When required, she has limited access to wind-based magic, frequently using it for stage effects and cantrips, as well as extensive herbal and medicinal knowledge alongside some minor magical healing abilities. Mollianne has also been observed, on rare occasions, interacting with an Undine mana spirit, indicating that she is mana-touched, likely as a result of her time spent with Ambience and his family in the Mana Holyland. It is not apparent if she is capable of utilizing water-based magic in accord or not.

While transformed, Mollianne's empathy is cast aside in favor of extreme aggression, and the nature of her wish renders her immune to almost all forms of mana-based magical abilities; this includes beneficial effects held upon others nearby, and the shorthand field she generates can subdue or even eliminate other peoples' inherent magical effects if she strays too close to them, including other Wishborn. Besides direct brutality, Mollianne employs light-based garrotes as her main means of offense, using them to snare, lacerate, and sever limbs where appropriate.

The nature of her siren heritage allows her to adapt to both the skies and the sea, as well as the land; her wings are larger than her body, waterproof, and enable considerable flight over long periods of time, helped in part by her lightweight physical stature, and a set of hidden gills on the side of her neck allow her to remain underwater for indefinite periods of time. From the waist down, she is avian in stature, with muscular feathered legs ending in sharp eagle-like talons. She is also extremely capable of using her voice for various situational needs, ranging from simple tricks like ventriloquism and auditory effects, to magically-induced sleep and emotion in listeners; at high enough pitch and frequencies, Mollianne's shouts or screams are extremely harmful and can invoke sonic effects that physically damage her immediate surroundings. Mollianne also requires a small amount of blood as a dietary supplement at least once a week in order to keep her internal systems functioning on a healthy level, and she possesses small fangs that she uses to obtain this nutrition, not unlike those with standard vampiric tendencies.

During the spring, summer and autumn months, Mollianne goes into heat during the final three-to-five days of each month, whereupon her desire and inherent need to mate become extremely difficult to control. She is provided medication for this biological condition, which transforms those sexual urges into aggressive ones, and she typically exiles herself to remote locations during this time, wreaking havoc on the local wildlife until she is able to come down naturally from these urges and return to normal civilization. Very rarely, these urges can be on the milder end of the spectrum, and during these times she eschews her medication in favor of simply finding a willing partner for a night or two, whereupon she becomes satiated enough to normalize earlier than she ordinarily would. Of the few partners she has had, no concern for the aftermath of their encounters has ever arisen, as she was rendered barren by the restorative aftermath suffered from Kaine's attack that nearly took her life.